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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: A Path To Self-Love and Mental Wellness

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: A Path To Self-Love and Mental Wellness

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I’m just unlucky” or “I could never do that”?

Maybe you've said, "I’m not good at public speaking," or “I’m too old (or too young) to try this.” These kinds of thoughts are examples of limiting beliefs—the stories we tell ourselves that prevent us from achieving our true potential. They keep us stuck in a so-called "comfort zone," even when it’s anything but comfortable.


What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are deeply rooted thoughts or perceptions we hold about ourselves, often formed from past experiences. These beliefs can hold us back from pursuing new opportunities, trying new things, or even just living life to the fullest. They act like invisible barriers between us and our goals.

Here are a few common examples:

“I’m not smart enough to go back to school.”

“I’ll never be as successful as them.”

“I’m not creative.”

     Do these statements sound familiar? The truth is, they aren't facts. They're just beliefs we’ve accepted as true, but that doesn’t make them a reality.


    The Impact Of Limiting Beliefs On Mental Health

    When we hold onto limiting beliefs, we reinforce feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even depression. These thoughts can perpetuate a cycle of negativity and self-doubt, which ultimately affects our mental well-being and limits our potential. However, by learning to recognize and challenge these beliefs, we can improve not only our mental health but also our overall quality of life.


    How To Identify And Overcome Limiting Beliefs


    Step 1: Recognize the Belief
    Start by paying attention to the self-talk that runs through your mind when you’re faced with a challenge. Write down the thoughts that hold you back. Common examples might be, “I’m too inexperienced for this role,” or “I’m just not a people person.”

    Example: For years, I personally believed, “I’m not a writer.” This belief was rooted in my school days, and for decades, I avoided writing anything beyond what I had to write for business purposes. The thought became so ingrained in me that I never questioned it—until one day, I did. If I hadn’t challenged this limiting belief, I would have never written my book “I Love Me More”. And now, I do consider myself a writer.


    Step 2: Ask, Is This Really True?
    Once you’ve recognized your limiting belief, challenge it. Is it based on actual evidence? Or is it something you've accepted without really examining it?

    Example: When I began reflecting on my “I’m not a writer” belief, I realized that it wasn’t true. In fact, I’d written numerous successful emails and marketing materials throughout my career, and I had even written rules for a game that ended up in millions of Arby’s kids’ meals! Clearly, I was capable of writing.


    Step 3: Replace It with an Empowering Belief
    After challenging your limiting belief, replace it with something empowering. For instance, instead of saying, “I’m not good at public speaking,” try reframing it as, “I am capable of learning and improving my public speaking skills.” 

    Example: Once I challenged my belief about writing, I started telling myself, “I can become a better writer with practice.” This shift in mindset allowed me to write my first book, share my thoughts on social media, and write this blog post!


    Practical Tips To Combat Limiting Beliefs

    • Write it down: Journaling can help you clarify your thoughts and make your limiting beliefs more visible.
    • Talk it out: Share your limiting beliefs with someone you trust. They can help you see things from a different perspective.
    • Take action: Set small, achievable goals that challenge your limiting beliefs. For example, if you believe you're not creative, try a simple creative task like painting or crafting just for fun.


      Final Thoughts

      World Mental Health Day is a reminder that our mental wellness deserves attention and care. Part of this care involves identifying and letting go of the beliefs that limit us. As you move forward, remember that you have the power to change your story. Challenge those limiting beliefs and step into the full potential of who you are.

      You CAN do anything you set your mind to. Trust in that truth and allow it to guide you from this day forward.

      With love and belief in your limitless potential,

      Jenna Banks
      Author of I Love Me More
      How to Find Happiness and Success Through Self-Love

       P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my free weekly love notes HERE